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April 12, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Calculus Cleaning: Why is it Important for Your Dental Health?

Dental scaling, also known as teeth cleaning or prophylaxis, is a preventive dental treatment that removes tartar buildup on teeth. Tartar buildup occurs when plaque hardens on the teeth over time, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Regular dental scaling is important for maintaining good oral hygiene and dental health. It is recommended that individuals receive dental scaling at least twice a year, or more often if their dentist recommends it based on their individual needs.

The dental scaling procedure typically involves using specialized dental tools to remove tartar buildup from the teeth and below the gum line. The dentist or dental hygienist will also polish the teeth to remove surface stains and smooth the tooth surface, which helps prevent future plaque buildup.

Some individuals may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity during the dental scaling procedure, but it is generally a painless procedure. After the procedure, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including brushing and flossing regularly, to prevent future tartar buildup.

In conclusion, dental scaling is an important preventive dental treatment that helps maintain good oral hygiene and dental health. If you are due for a dental scaling appointment, be sure to schedule one with your dentist or dental hygienist.

September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Jaw Cysts and Oral Cavity

Jaw Cysts; It is located in the jaw bones and is in the form of pathological cavities filled with liquid or semi-liquid materials. They are frequently encountered in the jaw bones and less frequently in the soft tissues of the mouth and face.


Oral cavity and jawbone cysts initially grow insidiously without any symptoms. In delayed diagnosis, they cause serious damage to the jaw bones. (Oral and jaw bone cysts grow initially without any symptoms of the insidious ways. In the thick of late it has been diagnosed cause serious injury in the jaw bone. ) 

Jaw Bone Cysts may present as a symptom of numbness in the lower lip from time to time, apart from painless swellings in the face area. This is when the cyst has progressed and put pressure on the nerve.

Cysts formed in the soft tissues of the oral cavity are usually seen as painless swellings that appear transparent on the inner surfaces of the lips, sometimes shrinking and enlarging spontaneously, often as a result of various traumas, obstruction of the small salivary gland ducts. Another form of soft tissue cysts covering this area are swellings that occur in the sublingual and floor of the mouth, which are called “ranula” or in common language froglets.


the expected efficiency from the drugs may not be obtained. Therefore, cyst treatments are known as operations that require surgery. Cysts are removed together with the bag during surgery as a whole and in some cases additional supportive treatments can be applied depending on the size of the cyst.  


If you are not treated because of jawbone cysts, they can cause swelling in the face area, inflammatory discharge, facial tissue hardening, numbness in the lips and spontaneous fractures in the jawbone, as well as tumor formation (benign or malignant). 


The first of the points to be considered after the operation; 

Oral hygiene, 

Nutrition with soft and liquid foods, (when the doctor’s recommendation is indicated)

Not making cheek and lip pulling movements that may damage the surgery area

There are situations such as not missing the control times..

As a result of the investments we have made in modern dentistry, the fact that we follow scientific innovations, and the use of new devices and materials; We offer our patients a higher quality of service and standard of living. Site content is for informational purposes only. It is certainly not for the physician to examine or diagnose the patient for medical purposes..


September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Why Do Teeth Decay?

Tooth decay is a condition where the hard tissue of the tooth, enamel, underlying dentin and sometimes the hard tissue covering the root surface are damaged. People who usually consume carbohydrate foods (sugar, starch, etc.), cola and similar sugary carbonated drinks, cake, chocolate, etc. It is observed especially when sticky foods remain on the tooth surface for a long time. Bacteria in the mouth are fed with these food residues and acid is produced with the help of these microorganisms. After a while, this acidic environment causes destruction in the hard tissues of the tooth and creates dental caries.

Whose Teeth rot the most?

When sugary and floury foods are consumed, it poses a danger to everyone since cavities occur as a result of the meeting of bacteria. However, those who have high carbohydrate and sugary foods in their diets and those who have a very low fluoride content in their water that are at a much higher risk of caries. Although saliva creates a natural defense mechanism against the acid created by the bacterial plaque, it cannot prevent caries on its own. Diseases or drugs that reduce the flow and amount of saliva further accelerate the formation of caries.

Can Tooth Caries Are Prevented?

Brushing the teeth after our morning meal and before going to bed in the evening and using dental floss regularly and correctly every day is the most effective method. Appropriate toothbrush should be chosen, as food residues are mostly accumulated in the recesses of the chewing surfaces of the teeth and the interfaces where the teeth touch each other.

We should try to consume sugary foods in main meals and try not to eat anything between meals.

Regular dental check-ups are the best method for catching caries at an early stage.

In order to detect tooth decay, it is necessary to be examined by a dentist. Firstly, Dentists make a plan planning by listening to the patient’s medical history. The answer to the questions of how long the toothaches and sensitivities in last time, how often and how severe they are, that those gives information about caries to us.  After this, physical imaging of the teeth is performed with special equipment. Mouth and teeth are monitored with special medical tools. Sensitivity, holes, cavities and caries in the teeth can be detected by physical examination. It is not possible to detect caries in the roots of the teeth by physical examination. Dental X-rays are needed to view the roots and nerves of the teeth. The purpose of X-rays is to view nerves and tooth roots, and to examine the formation of caries in the roots or nerves. Using all these methods, the level of cavities, holes or bruises is determined. The appropriate treatment for the detected conditions is determined by the dentist. If the diagnosis and treatment is delayed, tooth loss cannot be prevented.

If you have tooth sensitivity and pain, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Thus, you can have healthier and well-groomed teeth and prevent tooth loss by having the necessary treatments done in the early period. 

September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Use of Dental Floss Oral and Dental Health

Why Is Dental Floss Necessary / or why  it is important?

Tooth brushing cleans only 5/3 of the tooth surfaces. For this reason, special care is required to clean the bacterial plaque and food residues between the teeth. Dental floss should be used regularly every day to clean this plaque and food residues, which are the primary cause of tooth decay and gum disease.

How to use dental floss for a healthy mouth ?

Let’s explain how the dental floss should be used, together with the stages like step by step.

  1. 50 cm length of floss; Wrap the middle fingers of both hands, leaving a 5 cm gap between them  that it is provided that you do not tighten too much. Do not wrap more than one floss on one finger.
  2. With your index and thumbs, stretch the floss and thread it between your teeth. Please, you can be careful that you can not to break the floss and can not to damage your gums..
  3. You will bend your floss into a “C” shape. Then gently sweep your teeth up and down between your teeth in a gripping manner. In the meantime, do not skip cleaning below the gum line. When you move on to the next tooth, use the unused portion of floss..

Flossing can make you feel awkward that is getting started; but if you continue to use it without stopping, you will see that it is as normal as brushing your teeth and you will get used to it.

Are the Floss Benefits Obvious from the First Day?

If we will  transparent; İt’s flossing provides unquestioned benefits from the first day. After using the floss, your teeth and gums; it is much cleaner than before the use of thread; because dental floss reaches areas that even toothbrushes cannot reach. Over time, it refreshes your breath and makes your gums healthier.

What Should I Do If Floss Bleeds?

It is quite natural for your gums to bleed in the first when we use. This is a common occurrence. Sometime; this bleeding may also be a sign that you have any gum disease. In a few days, the bleeding will stop as your gums will get used to it and start to become healthier. If; If bleeding still continues, consult your dentist..

Am I Too Late for Floss??

There is no set time to start flossing. No matter how old you are, cleaning your teeth; It will provide significant benefits to your teeth and gums.

You can prevent gingival inflammation..

About gingivitis; It is a disease that manifests itself primarily with bleeding, redness and mild swelling in the gums, and if not treated, it can progress and cause an increase in complaints. The treatment is primarily the elimination of the causative agent causing the inflammation. This active substance is a yellowish, sticky and puree-like formation that forms on the teeth over time. Many inflammatory bacteria live in this structure called “plaque”..

These bacteria are the cause of tooth decay and gingivitis in general. In addition, this appendage, which is soft in the first stages, takes calcium from the saliva over time, and for this reason, it hardens and the formation we call dental calculus occurs.

In places where the toothbrush cannot reach, dental floss cleans all these bacteria and prevents the formation of caries.

50149095 - tooth human implant, 3d illustration
September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

What is Implant Treatment ?

Implant Dental implant application; It is the process of replacing damaged or missing teeth with a metal implant screw with artificial teeth that are very similar to real teeth and also it  has a similar functions. Dental implant treatment can be a good alternative to inappropriate dentures or bridges. When natural tooth roots are missing, it can be considered as another option since it is not possible to replace dental prostheses.

How is the Implant Examination Performed ?

When you come to our Özbudent Oral and Dental Health Clinic, the necessary clinical and radiographic examinations are performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and the general health status of the patient is evaluated. Intraoral examination of the person is performed. The patient’s expectations from the treatment and the suitability of the existing bone for the implant are evaluated with 3D radiographic images. The length and diameter of the implant is decided by making millimetric measurements on this radiograph. Aesthetic evaluations are made and the most suitable superstructure is selected for the patient.

How Long Does Implant Treatment Taken?

The duration of implant treatment may vary from person to person. In some of our patients, the prosthesis phase can be passed on the same day with the application of all on four implant implants, and in some patients, the adaptation period may be expected due to additional surgical procedures. It is expected that the implants will merge with the bone in an average of 3 months in the upper jaw and 2 months in the lower jaw, and then porcelain coatings are applied on them. If additional procedures are performed in the presence of thin or insufficiently high bone, the waiting period may be extended up to 6 months.

In Which Situations Implant Application Is Not Made?


If the patient has any diabetes or heart disease that prevents recovery

If the patient’s age is young enough to be considered that he has not yet completed bone development,

If pregnancy is suspected ( ıf she is a pregnancy )

If the patient smokes heavily, due to the fact that excessive smoking prevents intraoral healing and it reduces the implant success rate , 

In case of use of alcohol, drugs and similar substances ,

If radiotherapy was applied to the head and neck region of the patients ,

If there are certain diseases that cause high blood pressure, hemophilia and similar immune system deficiency ,

If corticosteroids or some drugs that suppress the immune system need to be used, implant treatment cannot achieve its purpose .

You can contact our Specialist Physician Staff for the whole process and you can also get detailed information.

September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

What is Aesthetic Filling and Who Is It Applied for whom?

Types of light-hardened fillings that are the same color as the tooth are called composite fillings. They are applied on the tooth with a special adhesive. It is an aesthetic and economical treatment option. There are different types for the anterior and posterior zones. They can be easily applied to all teeth in the mouth. Due to their structure, they are not as strong as porcelain. Change of the colour  may occur due to substances containing coloring agents such as tea and coffee. With a well-made polish, they can be used for many years without breaking.

Composite resins or tooth-coloured fillers provide good strength and resistance to fracture in small to medium-sized fillings that must withstand moderate stress from chewing stress. They can be used on anterior or posterior teeth. It is a good choice for patients who prefer their fillings to look more natural . 

Composites cost more than amalgam. Composite white fillings are used in aesthetic fillings because they are tooth-colored, and there is no difference. Sensitivity may occur in the tooth shortly after the filling is made. Mostly this is temporary . 

Better than the best filling is the individual’s own tooth. Our own tooth is better for us.  Therefore, we need to take care of our oral health.

September 29, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

What are the factors that cause bad breath ?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a problem that can cause embarrassment and even anxiety for people. Although many products on the market, such as chewing gum, mouthwash, and candy, are produced for individuals with this problem, most of these products are only a temporary solution. If bad breath is not caused by foods or poor oral hygiene, there may be a different medical reason behind this problem. 

Bad Breath ( halitosis ) 


Halitosis is a malodorous complaint released during breathing. While some people worry a lot about this issue, even if they have less bad breath, others may not be aware of their own bad breath. It is very difficult to evaluate how one’s own breath smells. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to oral care, take precautions and find the underlying cause.


Causes of Bad Breath?


Dry mouth: The saliva that we secrete helps us to clean our mouth by cleaning the particles that cause bad odor. In dry mouth, which is called xerostomia in medical language, bad breath may increase as saliva production decreases. Dry mouth occurs naturally during sleep, and can cause bad breath, which is normally observed in humans in the morning. This situation, which occurs during sleep at night, worsens and is more noticeable in those who sleep with their mouths open. Chronic dry mouth can be caused by certain diseases or problems with the salivary glands.


Infections in the mouth: Wounds and infected conditions in the mouth after oral and maxillofacial surgery such as tooth extraction can cause bad odor. In addition, tooth decay and gum diseases also cause bad odors.

Nose and throat diseases: Sinus infections, post-nasal drip and throat infections cause bad breath. 


Foods: The breakdown of food particles that accumulate between or around the teeth after eating can increase bacteria and cause bad odour. Consumption of certain foods such as onions, garlic and spices are also among the major factors that cause bad breath.


Tobacco products: Smoking causes bad breath. Smokers and users of other tobacco products are more likely to have gum disease, another source of bad breath, than non-smokers.


Inadequate dental care: In people who do not regularly care for their teeth in the morning and evening, and then do not use dental floss, food particles stay in the mouth and cause bad breath. In such cases, a colorless and sticky bacterial plaque forms on the teeth. If bacterial plaque is not removed, it can irritate the gums and eventually form plaque-filled pockets between the teeth and gums (periodontitis). The tongue can also harbor odor-producing bacteria. Dentures that are not regularly cleaned or fitted properly can trap odor-causing bacteria and food particles.


How to Remove Bad Breath in 5 Steps?

  1. Brushing your teeth after meals is not only when you leave the house in the morning or when you go to bed at night, but also right after your lunch at your workplace, and you should have a toothbrush with you.
  2. If you use toothpaste with antibacterial properties, it has been clinically proven to help reduce bad odor in this type of toothpaste.
  3. It will also be beneficial to stay away from garlic, onions and very spicy foods that cause bad breath while in public. Even if you like to eat, the people around you do not have to be exposed to it.
  4. You can get your dental care done by your dentist with regular dental examinations. Özbudent oral and Dental Health Specialists will help you with Teeth Stone Cleaning.
  5. Cleaning dentures or dental appliances: If you wear bridges or dentures, you should clean them at least once a day or as often and as directed by your dentist. Your dentist can recommend you the best cleaning products.

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